CTRA 2023 Apparel - Created in Collaboration with Awasis Boutique
About the Logo Created by Christina Marie founder of Awasis Boutique local Indigenous Designer in Saskatchewan, Canada.
The design was created to honor and pay respect to the Indigenous Peoples that make up Canada, as well as reflect the core tenets of Therapeutic Recreation.
Meaning behind the logo:
First Nations, the feather – to symbolize honor, a step forward together, working towards Reconciliation
Métis, the infinity symbol – to symbolize the Métis flag, infinite nationhood, infinite healing journey
Inuit, an inunnguaq – to symbolize landmarks to aid in direction, working towards the goal is the only way forward
The Medicine Wheel – to symbolize healing the whole person and feeling centered. To heal fully we need to invest in our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual parts.
Ordering Information
This design is a CTRA and Awasis Boutique exclusive and can not be purchased elsewhere. Pricing reflects a 20% discount and taxes included.
Shipping is an additional charge at checkout.
If you have any questions please contact Marketing Director, Crystal Toth at marketingdirector@canadian-tr.org