March BOD Highlights

Each month the CTRA Board of Directors meets over the GoToMeeting platform to work together and Address Therapeutic Recreation issues across the country. These meetings are scheduled for 7:00 p.m. eastern time and are supposed to end at 8:00 but I can attest to the fact that they always go over the allotted one hour time frame as there are so many issues and so much enthusiasm to make a difference in our profession.

March’s meeting was no different and our hearts go out to those board members on the east coast, especially Newfoundland & Labrador, given that the meeting didn’t adjourn until 10:30 p.m. Newfoundland time! But…the meeting excitement was palpable as the board discussed many exciting initiatives. Here are just a few of the meeting highlights.

If you were a part of the CTRA TR Month activities you will have heard CTRA Central Director, Lauren Cripps, share the exciting announcement about the Canadian Journal for Recreation Therapy slated for the publication of the inaugural issue January 2022. Stay tuned as the call for papers is announced at the CTRA Annual General Meeting. 

CTRA is holding the annual conference from May 12-14, 2021 and due to the ongoing pandemic it will be a virtual event. Follow this link: to learn more about the conference. There is opportunity available to earn up to 23 hours of CEUs through amazing sessions and webinars. The CTRA Annual General Meeting will be held on May 14 from 1330 – 1430h EDT. Please join us to stay informed and celebrate this year’s award winners.

Finally, we are so very excited to welcome another new provincial chapter into the CTRA family. As you know, New Brunswick and the Manitoba/Saskatchewan groups both joined as chapters last year and we are so pleased that the province of Quebec has just formed as of March 1, 2021. Bienvenue Quebec!!

Not only does the CTRA Board of Directors meet monthly, a number of times each year the Provincial/Territorial Partners join the CTRA Board to meet and discuss Therapeutic Recreation issues across the country through provincial updates related to membership, education, provincial issues and strategic plans. The most recent meeting was held on March 24, 2021 and the 90 minute meeting was filled with updates and discussion about standards of practice, qualifications and the new Canadian TR Journal. Provinces will continue to keep members updated through associations and chapter communication in addition to CTRA social media, newsletter and website updates.

Our hope is that this new monthly feature will ensure transparency and that it will keep the lines of communication open between the CTRA Board of Directors and you, the members.

Stay safe and see you next month!
~ Tracey, CTRA Secretary

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