CTRA Position Statement on Entry to Practice Qualifications
On February 21, 2023, the CTRA Board of Directors made an announcement about Entry to Practice Qualifications. We encourage you to read the full statement for further details. – Click Here to Read the full statement.
NCTRC Hardship Waiver Program – Click Here
Certification FAQ’s – Click Here
Certification has been a TR topic of conversation for several years. Many in the profession feel it is an integral stepping stone for our profession in order to protect our consumers, the public and to advance toward regulation/ licensure.
In May 2009 the Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association and the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification agreed to a partnership where the NCTRC certification credential – CTRS (Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist) would be the recognized certification credential in Canada.
CTRA feels this partnership was an historical moment for our profession. In saying this the CTRA board of directors unanimously support NCTRC and its certification process.
For more information please visit the NCTRC links below.
Chris Richard CTRA Vice President
Previous CTRA Certification Director