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CTRA Webinar

Being With: ELDERS: Subjective sharing of RT experience of creative, performance collaboration with local theatre company in LTC

Presented by: Ginger Lerner

This session content is CEU Pre-Approved by NCTRC

Webinar Presented on Friday, December 14th, 2018 12:00 PM EDT

Session Description

This was a radical project, creating a community performance space through the collaboration of residents, family, staff (including me, RT) and professional actors. The Long Term Care environment hosted a professional performance which was enthusiastically received, and the workshops leading up  it were meaningful opportunities for validation.

Relates to various NCTRC Job Analysis components including:

Development of professional relationships of trust, assessment and adaptation for differing needs and desires within group, careful observation of participants to assess efficacy of program, well planned and delivered programs (logistical portion by RT, the content was by virtue of this process not within the design scope of the RT).

Learning Outcomes:

Upon Completion of this Session, participants will be able to:

1. Identify at least 3 therapeutic goals associated with undertaking a collaborative performance project (highly personalized to resident participants, and professional performance participants
2. Identify 3 logistical considerations when undertaking a collaborative performance project
3. Identify 3 ways that demonstrate how collaborative theatre can be part of resident, family and community centered care.

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Webinar Post Test -> Click Here (must be completed to receive CEU Letter of Participation)
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