The New Normal

I listened to a podcast recently called “The Psychology of Crisis”.  What caught my attention was the word “Crisis” and the fact that it indicated we are all in a Crisis.  We are all currently facing something in our lifetime that we never thought that we would see, or at least I didn’t.  The podcast went on to also say that COVID 19 has taken away our CONNECTEDNESS, our STRUCTURE & ROUTINE, which has triggered in many the fight-flight-freeze reaction.  It has taken our CONTROL away and what we are good at, our COMPETENCY.  So, the more I thought about COVID 19 and how it has impacted my life there were two options; let it consume my life in a negative way or embrace this “New Normal” and try and encourage others as well as myself along the way.  To create our best possible selves during these uncertain times will take us out of our comfort zone to try something new.  How many times have we asked a client/patient to do this as they navigate through their crisis?

What has COVID 19 taught me in my personal life, family life and work life in the last month?  Connection can still happen; we just need to look at it differently.  During this past month I have reached out to mentors to see how they are dealing with the crisis themselves; I encourage you to do the same, don’t handle this alone, reach out by any means possible. (Email, Text, Phone Call, Facetime, Skype, Zoom, etc).

Routine and Structure…I still have my workday however I find myself trying to motivate me more these days then my patients…and I feel it is ok to say that.  But I wanted to share a little thing that my wife did to keep her routine going.  She had a monthly stamping up (card making group), ten ladies would drop by our house to socialize and make cards.  This past month she done her first virtual card group, and everyone had a blast!  Or at least it sounded that way.  You can find ways to keep your routine going, it just may look a little different.  However, my favorite routine has been family mealtime.  Table time is lasting longer and most nights it is followed up by a family game night. Look for your new routine.

Lastly, Competency, we need to feel that we are doing something for good and share it.  I have tried to bring a joke to work every day (good or bad) and try and be a positive support to my co-workers.  Also, leisure is something that us TR/RT professionals know well…share, share, share any ideas you have.  It may be the little spark someone needs at that time to turn their day around.  The New Normal is here!  Please stay connected, create your new positive routine, take back control, use what you’re good at and share it with others!

Stay safe everyone!

Carl Ings, BRec, CTRA
CTRA President

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